ScaleDepth: Decomposing Metric Depth Estimation into Scale Prediction and Relative Depth Estimation

School of Information Science and Technology,
University of Science and Technology of China
Arxiv 2024

TL;DR: Finetuning CLIP with 4 RTX3090 in 8 hours to obtain a robust metric depth estimation model!


Within a unified framework, our method ScaleDepth achieves both accurate indoor and outdoor metric depth estimation without setting depth ranges or finetuning models. Left: the input RGB image and corresponding depth prediction. Right: the comparison of model parameters and performance. With overall fewer parameters, our model ScaleDepth-NK significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods under same experimental settings.


Without any finetuning, our model can generalize to scenes with different scales and accurately estimate depth from indoors to outdoors.


Estimating depth from a single image is a challenging visual task. Compared to relative depth estimation, metric depth estimation attracts more attention due to its practical phys- ical significance and critical applications in real-life scenarios. However, existing metric depth estimation methods are typically trained on specific datasets with similar scenes, facing challenges in generalizing across scenes with significant scale variations. To address this challenge, we propose a novel monocular depth estimation method called ScaleDepth. Our method decomposes metric depth into scene scale and relative depth, and predicts them through a semantic-aware scale prediction (SASP) module and an adaptive relative depth estimation (ARDE) module, respectively. The proposed ScaleDepth enjoys several merits. First, the SASP module can implicitly combine structural and semantic features of the images to predict precise scene scales. Second, the ARDE module can adaptively estimate the relative depth distribution of each image within a normalized depth space. Third, our method achieves metric depth estimation for both indoor and outdoor scenes in a unified framework, without the need for setting the depth range or fine-tuning model. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method attains state-of-the-art performance across indoor, outdoor, unconstrained, and unseen scenes.


The overall architecture of the proposed ScaleDepth. We design bin queries to predict relative depth distribution and scale queries to predict scene scale. During training, we preset text prompts containing 28 scene categories as input to the frozen CLIP text encoder. We then calculate the similarity between the updated scale queries and text embedding, and utilize the scene category as its auxiliary supervision. During inference, only a single image is required to obtain the relative depth and scene scale, thereby synthesizing a metric depth map.


Comparison in indoor scenes

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Comparison in indoor scenes (point cloud)

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Comparison in outdoor scenes

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Comparison in unconstrained scenes

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Comparison in unseen scenes

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  title={ScaleDepth: Decomposing Metric Depth Estimation into Scale Prediction and Relative Depth Estimation}, 
  author={Zhu, Ruijie and Wang, Chuxin and Song, Ziyang and Liu, Li and Zhang, Tianzhu and Zhang, Yongdong},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.08187},